First there was only one painful pimple. (Ok, I can handle that.) When I woke up the next morning, there were two. (Alright, just don't touch them.) And by the end of the day, three (THREE! *pitiful sobs*) are threatening to rise out of of T-zone. Except I know they won't because they are all headless pimples. These are the real killers, aren't they? Painful, swollen, and yet there is nothing one can do about them since there is no pus to squeeze out. I complained of my situation to my bestie while hanging out with her yesterday and she recommended me Nexcare (3M) Acne Patch. Well, she also swears by Clinique's anti-blemish solutions Spot Treatment Gel. But since Clinique doesn't do anything for my skin judging for past experience, I decided to try her other suggestion.

I woke up this morning eagerly to investigate the result. Have the patches work their miracles overnight? Have they sucked enough oil out of my volcanic pimples to power up a whole village?
Well, I am happy to report that two of the smaller pimples are less swollen, and thus "flatter". They are almost invisible unless I press hard into the skin. Good job there. However I am not convinced the patch has much effect on the kingpin pimple. The zit is still quite swollen and red, and painful. I can't tell if much oil has been absorbed since the patch appears pretty clear to me. I believe the resistance from the monstrous zit is much too strong for the little acne patch's prowess.
So go ahead and try the acne patch on small, new-grown pimple. Patch them on immediately upon discovery. (They are clear and match one's skin tone closely. I like that.) As for for cosmic-sized zits, expect little effect but use it as a shield to prevent the infection from getting worse. I just replaced the patch over that massive zit with a fresh one. Work, little patch, work! Work your wonder!
It just had to be tree... oops I mean three... pimples...