So I was out at a club last night. On a Wednesday. Till 4am. It was helluva party nonetheless! Brought back lotsa memories of the days when I was clubbing till 4am and waking up at 7 to go to school. How did I ever do that? Ah, it's good to be young and full of energy. And sleep was definitely not a priority then.

Oh but how I miss mid-week partying! Lotsa fun memories of those carefree school days and brash youthfulness. At that age, going clubbing was a religion as it was cool "to see and to be seen" mixing with the popular crowd. A great night out meant getting wasted. Turning up at the school assembly the next morning with bloodshot eyes and reciting the national Pledge with alcohol breath meant you had partied hard.
But these days, clubbing is more of a personal choice than a social pressure. I enjoy letting my hair down with a few moves on the dance floor. I like getting excited about what to wear for the evening and getting my hair done for the party. I love indulging in the girly gossips with my sistas at the bar, or throwing flirty glances at yummilicious strangers across the room. Being a fun drunk, a few drinks always kick the party to a new high! (Now kids if you are reading this, if you drink, don't drive.)
If you are one of those "I'm happily married/in love, I don't need to club anymore"-couple, I don't even wanna begin telling you what you are missing out. If you club just to hook up sweet young things, this entry is not for you. *coughshamelesscough* If you party just to get drunk, here's one word for you -- sad. But if you club because you enjoy a good night out shaking your tushy on the dance floor, indulging in the great company of like-minded pals, getting high on life, you are one who brings the party with you wherever you go! You celebrate life! And you live it up! (Send in your application here to be my partying mate!)
Now I have to go nurse my hangover.
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