Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rotten Apple

There are some days which you know are not your day. Everything goes wrong, you wake up feeling grumpy, even the most trivial normal things you see everyday can and will made you mad. Well, today is one of those days. Heck the whole week has been one of those weeks! Nothing is working out alright, delays in my work project, pimple threatening to pop, waiting in queue for half an hour at some service centre just to be told they can't retrieve my file, new laptop not working, rude technical support personals, making purchases and then immediately regretting it, etc. Yes, you get the picture. This is one of those weeks.

I have been counting down to the minute my new Apple MacBook Pro gets delivered this week. Yesterday I even postponed my appointment just to wait for the DHL man. When the lappy arrives, I took pictures of the unboxing process and held my nervous breath in anticipation as the Mac laptop sprung to life instantly with colours and sounds! What a joy to finally feel the weight of it in my hands.

But alas, Apple failed me faster than I could say Microsoft. The browser refuses to load the internet pages properly, and that led to a few hours of troubleshooting among several Mac users and I. By the time the third person told me to try this or click that, I was already ready to repent from turning my back on Windows!
This morning was even worse. I spent more than three hours on the phone with AppleCare, who then pushed the problem to my router technical support, who then threw me back to AppleCare, who then compelled me to make the router guys change the radio channels, who then shoved me back to AppleCare after insisting they can't do a thing more, who then transferred me to Apple Sales department eventually. On top of that, I have little patience with speaking to foreign-accented technical support personals who didn't understand what I was saying . And I was done with my so-called Apple experience.

I'm sending my MacBook Pro back. Tonight.

I'm giving them Apple one last chance to redeem themselves by sending me a working machine. The next option would be a full refund and a blog-ful of angry anti-Apple ferocity! Till then, I'll be playing with my other new toy, BlackBerry. I don't know why it took me this long to get a BlackBerry. I always thought I would say this about Apple too.

Boo you, Apple.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Choose Happiness

2010. It's gonna be good year. I feel it. Bye bye, turbulent 2009. I had enough of sadness. This year, it will be Choose Happiness year! Just watch me, I'm gonna have fun, embrace happiness, reach the pinnacle of life!

I choose happiness.

Watched (500) Days of Summer this afternoon. It was highly recommended by a friend. And I say the same to you now. Watch it! It's good, it's surprisingly good! I didn't quite know what to expect from the movie when I watched it. But it struck a chord with me -- in so many scenes in the movie! The uncertainty in love, the blind belief in fate, the unsuspecting turn of events, the pains and despair life brings. I love love love this movie!
Summer: I woke up one morning and I just knew.
Tom: Knew what?
Summer: What I was never sure of with you.
This is my favourite scene in the movie. I woke up the other day, and I knew. I knew I was done with the dark period of my life. I'm choosing happiness. Now.

p.s. Believe me when I say I woke up hearing birds chirping and butterflies fluttering around make-believe daisies in my mind that morning! It's good to wake up happy, everyday.