Remember the one who got away?

The one whose smell still lingers in your faint memory, the one who makes you break into girly blushes every time you see him walking towards you, the one whom you wait all day by the phone for, the one who is always perfect in your eyes, the one whom you finally open your heart and love unconditionally.
Things don't always work out the way we wish. Sometimes it is a matter of meeting each other at the wrong time in your lives. Sometimes it is a unresolved misunderstanding. Sometimes it is circumstances in your lives that you do not have control over. Whatever the cause, the end came too soon. The pain is crushing, and you wonder if you ever recover from it.
But we all do. We all get over it someday. Time is the healer of all things, most things.
Then you fall in love again - with someone even better. He treats you exactly the way you always wished to be treated, he surprises you gifts and possesses a charming personality. All your friends and family loves him. But most of you, he adores you.
But you know you will never love like you did before. Your heart is not whole anymore. At the back of your mind, you wonder if you will ever have the capacity to love completely again? Will you ever have the courage to love recklessly like a teenager again?
Your heart is wary and weary.
You will always remember the one who got away. The one who comes to mind when you try to remember how love feels like. The one who taught you everything about love and pain. The one to whom you measure everyone who came after him.
The one who got away... got away. It is hard not to think about the what-ifs. You try your best to lock the bittersweet memories away. But one song, one smell, one word, one scene, can send you awash with the memories again. It is hard. It will be always hard from this point forth. But you just learn to live with the dull pain in your heart when you remember the past. You just try to lock up the memories again and go on.

"Sometimes it last in love
But sometimes it hurts instead"
- Someone Like You (by Adele)
p.s. This is a backdated entry that has been sitting in my Draft. Decided to publish it afterall.