There is life beyond the aesthetic side of life, you learnt.
Yes, there is little I can do to change my appearance now. I can't blame my wobbly arms on baby fats anymore. Neither do I want to eat only an apple all day just to lose just another pound so I can look thinner on prom night. At 29, my metabolism is slowing down. That's a fact. I've learnt to be comfortable in my own skin.
Wear Your Style
After more than a decade of trial-and-error, I know better how to wear my makeup to enhance my best features, and learn the kind of clothes that should never make it my wardrobe ever again.
No more following fashion trends blindly, just because Vogue or Lagerfeld commands so. I have no time or interest in being like everyone else on the street, wearing the latest feathers or brightest sequins. I know what works for my body, and what doesn't. Stay updated to trends, but also only pick up trends to adapt.
Fitting In
Goodbye please-let-me-fit-in. Your confidence is no longer based on how accepted you are by others.You are not afraid of not fitting in. You have three decades of life experience that teaches you that fitting in is nothing desirable.
You learn to say no to things that you don't agree on / bad for you / you don't want.
Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is childish and overrated. We've finally understood it and quit playing the game. Feel like curling up with a good read on a Saturday night instead of hitting the club with your partying mates? Buying one less It-bag than your bestie because you are saving that money to start an entrepreneurial business? You no longer feel guilty for not succumbing to what others would do.
Yummy or Mummy?
Partying on a Saturday night in that yummy short dress? Or dressing up your toddler and taking her for a play date alongside other mommies and their kids? You have the option. And either side of the decision is fun.
I don't need horrible pictures of charred lungs on cigarette boxes to teach me smoking is bad for health. I love good fun but horrible binge drinking nights are days of the past. I have the discipline to do the best for my body, mind and soul. And I make the decision to be discipline.
Finer Taste
I appreciate the finer things in life more. Not to be showy to others, but simply celebrating life in grandeur. Be it owning a limited edition handmade watch, decking the apartment with designer furnitures, or purchasing collectible art pieces, only you know the true value of these indulgence. Finer taste in life is priceless, not learnt but earned through life experience.
The days of climbing the corporate ladder in cheap shoes are over. A stable career established over the years of 20-something rewards us with holiday trips, regular spas and even exclusive jewellery pieces. Enjoy the disposable income now, before starting a family. Your little treats in life will then be channelled into the baby funds.
Because you have failed at some relationships, you have also learnt much. You know what you want in a relationship, and what you would not tolerate. You may find that special someone soon. But you are also totally comfortable remaining status quo. The most important thing is, no more "trying too hard".
We stop "collecting friendships". We keep the precious few who never turn their back on us, who always understand us, who never fails to make time and effort for us. By the time you enter the third decade of your life, you would have already sieve out these inner circle friends.
You still have time. For what? For everything!
To learn to drive, to bungee jump, to make a baby, to wear a bikini, to be a better daughter, to be reckless, to have faith, to relocate permanently, to date younger men, to dress like a 20s, 30s or even 40s, to inspire, to dance in the rain, to be sophisticated, to leave a legacy, to start a new career, to do ordinary things in extraordinary ways, to be fabulous, to believe in the impossibles! You are in the best years of your life! You have collected a lifetime of experience thus far, you have much to contribute in future. You are in the best period of life!
Thirties is the new twenties. I'm celebrating life.
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