So, ten minutes. First thing first, take ten seconds to breathe. Really, this is essential. After emptying your mind of the bucket of nerves, start recalling the most flattering emergency clothes you've bought lately. You know, those clothes which you wear on your fat-days -- and still look fab! Now, get out of bed, pull those clothes out and remind yourself how gorgeous they'll look on you soon.
Next, wash your face. Then your regular toning and moisturising. While waiting for the moisturiser to be absorbed fully into your face, change your clothes. By now you should have some six minutes left.
Foundation is the essential part of this makeup routine since you will have minimal makeup, so you need the foundation to even out any dark circles, cover eyebrow's new growth, or just patch up your facial tones. Always wait for the foundation to be absorbed by the skin before applying loose powder. So while waiting, let's waste no time and start fixing the hair. I had the option of keeping it loose but that meant I had to blow it straight. So I decided to keep it in a loose bun on one side instead. A stylish I-just-pull-the-look-together chic-ness!
Four minutes.
Then grab a few chunky accessories to spice up your outfit. Throw them into the bag you intend to carry. Haven't decide which bag yet? Start thinking now. Leave the accessories on the bed first. Do not wear them now.
Three minutes and a half.
Loose powder. Blusher
Then eye liner.
I really do not think one will have time for mascara. I did not. So I needed to draw my eye liner thicker and with more definition. This will dramatise the eyes without the need of a mascara.
One minutes.
Choose your handbag. Throw the accessories in it.
Choose your shoes. One change is allowed. Afterall, shoes really do make or break an outfit! So let's cut us some slack here.
Half a minute.
Throw lip gloss into handbag.
Spritz on some of your best feel-good fragrance!
Take a look at the fabulous you in the mirror. And remind yourself "Damn I look good!"
Ten seconds.
Get out of your apartment and put on your accessories and lip gloss in the lift.
Walk glamorously (and calmly, the last thing you need is breaking out a sweat!) to your pick up point. Yes, it's okay to be a little late. That's hardly close to being fashionably late.
Now air-kissed your friends and compliment on how fabulous everyone looked. Because you know you do too! All in ten minutes' effort!
Be fabulous, girlfriends! Be fabulous, always.

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